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A beginner tennis racquet may just be the most important racquet you ever purchased. Playing tennis with the wrong racquet for your level of play can be frustrating, overwhelming, or leave you bored and unmotivated, resulting in a lack of interest in the game or in improving your skills. Let us help you to choose the best racket so you will be more confident on the court leading to a more enjoyable game of tennis
Certain rackets will be better suited for different body sizes and the strengths of tennis players. For a naturally strong person, the best racquet will be one that gives you more control and doesn’t add too much power to your game. If you want added power, a racquet with a wider frame will give more power. The width of the frame is also referred to as the throat. A wide frame at the throat will generally give more power than a narrower framed throat.
A person’s height is also a factor when choosing a racquet. Generally speaking, a taller player will have longer arms and therefore the swing may be longer generating more speed and therefore power. A shorter player may have a swing that is shorter and less powerful.
Players usually fall under an aggressive player or a defensive player. This type of play will have an effect on the type of racket you should choose. Aggressive players probably want to try and hit the ball harder which may mean a more powerful racket may be the right choice. Defensive players will use the pace of the ball that was hit at them, in which case a narrower framed racquet might be right.
Do It Tennis has a variety of beginner tennis racquets to accommodate all levels of play.