May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month | BloqUV Has You Covered!
May 12th, 2019
by Do It Tennis
filed in Tennis Tips, Tennis Product Reviews, Tennis Apparel Reviews

If you haven’t heard, May in Skin Cancer Awareness Month and if you’re on the tennis court or out in the sun daily, this is definitely something you’ll want to take note of! According to the American Academy of Dermatology, UV exposure is the most preventable risk factor for skin cancer. But not being outside on beautiful sunny days is just not an option for us active, outdoor-loving folks. So what can we do?
Use Sun Protective Clothing
BloqUV tennis apparel has you covered... literally. The brand’s sun protective clothing offers a minimum UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) of 50 and blocks 98% of UVA and UVB rays. UVA and UVB are acronyms we hear a lot, but what are they? The sunlight that reaches us is made up of two types of harmful, potential cancer causing rays: long wave ultraviolet A (UVA) and short wave ultraviolet B (UVB). UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin's thickest layer called the dermis.
While the goal of BloqUV is to protect your skin from these harmful rays, the company realizes that their clothing has to also be functional for athletes. BloqUV apparel is moisture-wicking and quick-dry, lightweight, comfortable and breathable. BloqTek is the proprietary fabric used by the brand and it has been engineered to do all of those things while being chemical-free, and unaffected by laundering.
With so many styles, colors and it’s built in sun protection, BloqUV is one of best choices for the tennis court... all while still enjoying those nice sunny days.
Other Ways to Protect Against the Sun
May might be actual
Skin Cancer Awareness month, but melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, is something we all have to be careful of all year long. While the automatic sunscreen in BloqUV apparel is super convenient, there are also other things you can do to protect yourself from harmful rays; actual sunscreen lotion, hats, and sunglasses may also be necessary on the tennis court!
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