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The Pickleball Tutor Portable Ball Machine Wireless 2-Function Remote

Pickleball Tutor Factory Installed Optional Feature


Sports Tutor
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The Pickleball Tutor Portable Ball Machine Wireless 2-Function Remote (Model #2BRM)

Get more out of your Pickleball Tutor with the Wireless Two-Function Remote!

The 2-function wireless remote controls both the ball feed and oscillation functions (on/off). The remote does not turn the power on the ball machine on or off. However, it does pause the ball feed. This ensures that the player can take appropriate breaks between each series of practice shots.

Please note: The Wireless Remote is a factory installed upgrade to your machine. This must be selected when you purchase your machine and cannot be added once your Pickleball Tutor leaves the factory. This feature is only available on the AC or Battery oscillation machines.


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